Yahoo announced the end of Yahoo Pipes. As part of this announcement they have set two important dates to take note of:
As of August 30th 2015, users will no longer be able to create new Pipes. The Pipes team will keep the infrastructure running until end of September 30th 2015 in a read-only mode.
Yahoo have at least made it possible for you to back up your individual pipes, even if it might take you while to do if you have a lot of them.
You can download your Pipe definition by specifying your Pipe-ID (_id) and the output format (_out=json) to the following end-point:
If you have any questions regarding this announcement or Pipes in general, you can get in touch with the Pipes team through their Yahoo Development Forum.
We know that there are many of you out there who use Yahoo Pipes in conjunction with WP RSS Aggregator, and for this reason we have put together a list of alternatives to use. They do not offer the same level of functionality as Pipes, however we have focused mainly on the merging and filtering of multiple RSS feeds.
Alternatives to Yahoo Pipes
ChimpFeedr allows you to feed as many RSS feeds as you need to the Chimp that will then mash them up into one master RSS feed. It’s very easy to use and does just what is advertises.
RssPercolator is a .NET library used for downloading, aggregating, and filtering RSS feeds. Developed out of frustration with Yahoo Pipes, it’s rather basic and you’ll have to host it yourself, however it does what most Yahoo Pipes users want; merge RSS feeds together and filter out the items you don’t need.
Superpipes was designed as a Yahoo Pipes equivalent as they foresaw the end of it.
Do You Know of Any Others?
Have you come across any other alternatives to Yahoo Pipes? Share them with us in the comments below so that we can build a bigger repertoire for all the disgruntled Yahoo Pipes users out there.
Once you’ve created the RSS feed you need you can then use it with the WP RSS Aggregator plugin to import the content you need into your WordPress site. It’s the best and most comprehensive solution available.
One Response
Does anyone know how to set up RSSPercolator?