Mark Zahra

Mark Zahra

Mark has been involved with WP RSS Aggregator for almost a decade, from running customer support to now leading RebelCode, the company behind the plugin. He has a passion for content and news, especially the concept of ethically sharing content to help each other grow.

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Content Syndication: Ultimate Guide to Better SEO Results

Learn how content syndication can help improve your SEO results with this ultimate guide. Discover the benefits, strategies, and tactics for creating shareable, relevant content and optimizing it for SEO. Plus, measure your performance and analyze the data.
content syndication seo

In the fast-paced world of content marketing, the adage “if you build it, they will come” doesn’t always hold true. Even the most exceptional piece of content can fall flat if it doesn’t reach the right audience. This is where content syndication enters the picture. 

At its core, content syndication is a strategic approach to give your content a new lease of life by republishing it on third-party websites. This not only increases the reach of your content but also drives additional traffic back to your original post. 

When integrated into a well-crafted SEO growth strategy, content syndication can ensure that your top-notch content gets the visibility it deserves. It can be the wind beneath the wings of your content, helping it to soar to greater heights and reach a wider audience. 

But what exactly is content syndication, and how does it relate to SEO? Moreover, how can you harness its power to ensure your content doesn’t just sit on a virtual shelf collecting dust?

That’s what we will try and answer in this article.

Uncover the benefits of content syndication for SEO, as well as effective strategies and tactics for creating shareable, relevant content. Learn how to optimize this content for search engines, and how to measure and analyze performance data to fine-tune your content syndication efforts.

Need more? Discover how the WordPress plugin WP RSS Aggregator can help you automate and streamline your content syndication process in a swift, hassle-free manner.

Let’s begin!

What is content syndication?

Content syndication is a practice in which you allow one or more third-party websites to republish a piece of content that originally appeared on your site. 

This could involve sharing the entire content as it is or making minor modifications such as altering paragraphs and headlines while keeping the overall content the same. The objective is to expand the reach of your content, ultimately driving more traffic back to your original post.

How is content syndication different from other content strategies?

There are four main content strategies you can deploy under growth marketing – content syndication, content repurposing, guest blogging, and content duplication. Here’s how content syndication differs from the rest:

Content repurposingContent syndication
Content repurposing involves taking an existing piece of content and transforming it into a different format or adapting it for a different audience

For example, a YouTube video can be repurposed into a blog post, podcast, or infographic. 
Content syndication, on the other hand, involves sharing the same content across multiple platforms without changing its format.
Guest bloggingContent syndication
Guest blogging involves creating unique content to be published on a third-party website. The goal is to tap into the website’s audience and bring traffic back to your own site through backlinks.Content syndication involves republishing existing content, not creating new or exclusive content.
Content duplicationContent syndication
Duplicate content generally refers to substantial blocks of content that appear in more than one location on the Internet. This becomes problematic when content is copied without the permission of the original author.Content syndication is done with the consent of the content creator and is a legitimate practice.While both duplicate and syndicated content can appear identical, the key difference lies in the intention and consent.

Ideally, content syndication should occur when a piece of content is so performant that top content sites take notice and want to share it with their own audiences. This can increase your reach and monthly visitors, as well as improve your SEO through backlinks.

How to get started with content syndication?

Stepping into the realm of content syndication can be an exciting venture, promising to extend your content’s reach and bolster SEO results. However, whether you’re looking to create a content syndication blog or crafting content for others to republish, the process involves strategic planning and execution. 

Let’s create a roadmap to kick-start your content syndication journey, exploring how various facets can contribute to enhancing SEO results.

1. Set goals for your content

Knowing what you want to accomplish with your syndicated content is essential for measuring success and optimizing your strategy. Goals provide direction and a sense of purpose, allowing you to make informed decisions throughout the syndication process.

Ask yourself, 

  • What do you want to achieve through content syndication? 
  • Is it increasing the number of unique monthly visitors to your site? 
  • Are you aiming to gain subscribers for your YouTube channel? 
  • Or perhaps your primary focus is generating leads for your products or services?

It’s important to set goals not just for your overall content syndication strategy but also for each piece of content you plan to syndicate. Make sure your goals are quantifiable and set within a specific timeframe. For example, you might aim to increase website traffic by 30% within three months through content syndication.

To gauge the effectiveness of your content syndication efforts and understand where your traffic is coming from, use UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) links in the syndicated content. 

UTM links are customized URLs that enable you to track the source, medium, and campaign name of the traffic. This information is invaluable in determining which syndication partners and content pieces are driving the most traffic, allowing you to optimize your strategy accordingly.

For example, if you’re syndicating a blog post on digital marketing, you could create a UTM link like this: 

This link would help you identify that the traffic came through a blog post syndicated on a particular partner website, under a digital marketing campaign.

2. Create content that is shareable and relevant

Crafting shareable and relevant content is an art, and mastering this art is integral to the success of your content syndication endeavors. 

Most importantly, your syndicated content must be in sync with the core topics you publish about. This ensures that when readers discover your content on other platforms and follow the links back to your site, they find a treasure trove of relevant and engaging content waiting for them.

When they arrive, it’s imperative that they find an array of content that is consistent in theme and quality. For instance, if you specialize in fitness and wellness, your syndicated content should revolve around topics like exercise routines, nutrition, mental health, and more.

Having said that, only having a well-structured site is not enough. 

Creating content that others will want to share or discuss requires a thoughtful approach. Consider adopting an argumentative tone that presents a compelling case or perspective on a topic. This doesn’t mean being confrontational, but rather, offering well-reasoned insights that challenge conventional thinking or shed new light on an issue.

Last, but not least, is presentation. Some content formats are inherently more shareable than others. Infographics, for instance, are highly shareable due to their visually appealing and easily digestible format. 

Creating an infographic that condenses complex information into simple visuals can make your content go viral. Similarly, listicles, how-to guides, and case studies can also be very shareable, especially if they offer unique insights or practical value.

Remember, for content to be shared widely, it must be easy to share. Ensure that your content includes social sharing buttons, and when syndicating, provide your partners with all the necessary resources (such as embed codes for infographics) to facilitate easy sharing.

3. Optimize your content for SEO

SEO-friendly content can enhance visibility, drive organic traffic, and ultimately support your content syndication goals. While it may not be your primary objective to rank at the top of search results, addressing the search intent and optimizing your content for SEO is a fundamental step in the right direction.

Here are some tips for optimizing your content from an SEO-perspective:

  • Understand and address the search intent behind your target keywords: Search intent refers to the reason why a user is conducting a specific search. Are they looking for information, intending to make a purchase, or seeking a particular website? Tailoring your content to match the search intent is crucial.
  • Focus on informative, question-based topics: To tap into the informational intent, it’s often beneficial to focus on question-based topics. These topics allow you to provide in-depth information while also positioning your content as a resource for readers seeking answers.
  • Study the search engine results page (SERP) and target medium to low competition keywords: Study the SERPs for your target keywords to understand what kind of content is currently ranking and how you can create something better or different. Use SEO tools to identify the competitiveness of keywords. Ideally, you should target keywords that have medium to low competition but still have a decent search volume to increase your likelihood of ranking higher in search results.
  • Make a unique statement through your content: This uniqueness not only makes your content more shareable but also can improve its performance in search results. Search engines, especially Google, appreciate content that provides unique insights and value to users.

Meticulously employing these strategies can help you create SEO-friendly content that not only ranks well in search results but also resonates with your target audience.

4. Establish a well-defined content syndication strategy

A well-defined strategy, that is transparent and actionable, can ensure that everyone within your organization, especially the content team, is aligned with the process and goals. From content planning to creation, publishing, and sharing, each phase should be guided by a clear set of protocols and objectives. 

Here’s how you can establish a robust content syndication strategy:

  • Ensure clarity among your content team: Everyone should be on the same page when it comes to understanding what content syndication entails, and what their roles are during the content planning, creation, publishing, and sharing stages. Conduct training sessions, workshops, or meetings to discuss the goals and processes of content syndication, ensuring that your team is equipped with the knowledge and tools they need.
  • Develop a system to track syndicated content and its performance: Monitoring performance is essential for evaluating the success of your content syndication efforts and making data-driven decisions. Develop a tracking system that keeps tabs on where your content has been syndicated and how it’s performing in terms of traffic, engagement, and conversions. You can use analytics tools, UTM parameters, or even a simple spreadsheet to keep track of key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Schedule regular check-ins: Content syndication is not a set-it-and-forget-it strategy. It requires ongoing attention and optimization. Schedule regular check-ins to review the performance of syndicated content, assess the effectiveness of syndication partners, and discuss any adjustments needed to the strategy to make sure that your efforts remain aligned with your goals and that you are agile enough to pivot or intensify efforts as needed.

5. Reach out to relevant syndication partners

Actively reach out to relevant syndication partners to forge partnerships that can amplify the reach of your content. 

Compile a list of sources, reporters, and bloggers who frequently share content related to your niche. These individuals and platforms are prime candidates for content syndication partnerships. When compiling this list, consider factors such as the relevance of their audience, the quality of content they typically publish, and their reach. 

With your list in hand, initiate contact with these potential syndication partners. Craft a well-written outreach email that succinctly explains the value proposition of your content and the mutual benefits of syndication. 

Be clear about your terms regarding attribution and linking. Personalize each outreach email to show that you’re familiar with their work and that your content complements their platform.

Finally, while sharing your content, ensure that you clearly state that you grant permission for it to be used by others. It’s vital to specify that any usage must include proper attribution to you as the author and source, and must also include a link back to the original content. This not only ensures that your work is credited but also helps in generating valuable backlinks.

6. Incorporate social media promotion

Leveraging social media not only puts your content in front of a broader audience but also increases the chances of it getting picked up by bloggers and writers for syndication. Here’s how to smartly incorporate social media promotion into your content syndication strategy.

  • Share your content across multiple platforms: Maximize the exposure of your content on social media platforms where your target audience is likely to be active. Tailor your posts to the specific characteristics of each platform for optimal engagement.
  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and be available for questions or feedback. By building relationships with your audience, you’re not only promoting your content but also establishing yourself as an authority in your niche.
  • Utilize social media groups and communities: Virtual spaces where bloggers and writers congregate in niche-specific communities can be invaluable in getting your content in front of the right eyes. Join groups that are relevant to your niche and actively participate by tastefully sharing your content. Avoid spamming the groups with your content, and ensure that what you share provides value to the community.
  • Leverage influencers and thought leaders in your niche: Reach out to individuals who have a substantial following and align with your brand values. Share your content with them and express how it could benefit their audience. When an influencer or thought leader shares your content, it not only reaches a wider audience but also comes with an endorsement that can drive more syndication.
  • Monitor and optimize your social media efforts: Use analytics tools to track engagement, reach, and other key metrics. Analyze this data to understand what’s working and what needs improvement. Continuously optimize your social media strategies based on these insights to ensure your promotion efforts are as effective as possible.

7. Measure and analyze content syndication performance 

As with any marketing strategy, measuring and analyzing the performance of your content syndication efforts is essential to understanding its effectiveness and return on investment. Evaluating the data not only tells you what’s working but also guides future content and syndication strategies. 

Here are some tips for doing the same:

  • Revisit the goals you set for each piece of syndicated content and evaluate how your content has performed against these objectives. Compare performance against projection to calculate the success of your efforts.
  • Use analytics tools like Moz or Ahrefs to measure the number of visitors coming to your site from syndication partners. Analyze not just the quantity, but also the quality of this traffic by tracking metrics like page views, time on site, and bounce rates, for insights into user engagement.
  • Monitor the number of returning visitors to your site. If content syndication is effectively building interest and trust among readers, you should see an increase in the number of visitors who come back to your site repeatedly.
  • Examine the timing of your syndicated content publications and analyze how it correlates with trends in your web analytics to optimize the timing of future content syndication for maximum impact.
  • If your goals for syndication include lead generation or conversion, analyze the lead quality and conversion rates to get an idea of your ROI.
  • Pay attention to any trends or patterns that emerge, such as types of content being syndicated more frequently or syndication partners that drive more traffic, to identify what’s working and what isn’t.
  • Make data-driven decisions about the future direction of your content syndication strategy. Use the insights gained from your data analysis to consistently iterate and improve.

Using WP RSS Aggregator for faster content syndication

WP RSS Aggregator, a WordPress RSS plugin, is the ultimate solution for content syndication for WordPress websites and blogs. With this powerful content syndication plugin, you can easily publish and share content from any other site into your own site, making it simple and straightforward to republish and reshare content.

Here are some of the key benefits of WP RSS Aggregator:

  • It uses an RSS feed format, which allows content published regularly to be shared and subscribed to by those who enjoy it. This makes content syndication effortless, as your content can appear automatically in other places. This direct and consistent syndication can lead to the SEO benefits of RSS feeds.
  • The plugin offers full control over how syndicated content is formatted and how it is filtered.
  • It has highly customizable features that enable your partners to share your content in the simplest way possible. You can even use the plugin to easily import your new content into their site automatically.
  • You can choose to publish audio, text, or video posts from any other syndication sites into yours at intervals of your choosing. This means you can have a constant stream of high-quality content on your site, without having to spend time and effort creating it yourself.
  • You can also translate syndicated content into other languages, providing your readers from different countries with a better user experience and increasing awareness in different countries. This opens up new opportunities for reaching a wider audience and gaining more traffic to your website.

With its customizable features, easy-to-use functionalities, and range of benefits, WP RSS Aggregator can be the ultimate solution for WordPress websites and blogs looking to take advantage of content syndication for their SEO efforts.

Leverage the power of content syndication for SEO

Content syndication is a valuable strategy for growth marketing, as it helps you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your site by republishing and resharing quality content. 

The right content syndication strategy, with defined goals and proper implementation, can lead to a significant increase in monthly visitors and even generate leads.

Implementing this strategy on a microsite, for example, further amplifies its effectiveness, targeting specific audience segments with highly relevant content to boost engagement and traffic.

One of the key factors in the success of a content syndication strategy is the right tool. 

WP RSS Aggregator is an excellent option for WordPress websites and blogs. With its user-friendly interface and customizable functionalities, you can easily filter, format, and translate your syndicated content for a better user experience. 

Whether you’re looking to increase your reach, drive more traffic, or generate leads, WP RSS Aggregator is a great choice for anyone looking to get the most out of their content syndication efforts.

Start your content syndication journey today and reap the benefits of a well-executed SEO strategy. With the right tools, a well-defined strategy, and the right approach, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your SEO goals!

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